Expertly apply your client's eyelash extensions with our high quality, handmade tweezers.
These tweezers will allow lash artists of any levels to successfully apply any type of eyelash extensions. Pick your favourite tip, try a new one, or try them all!
We promise you won't be disappointed.
What is microgram? Some of our tweezers have new Microgrip technology that ensures that there is no "sweet-spot" in your tweezer, meaning fanning, applying classics or working with premade fans is a breeze.
These tweezers will allow lash artists of any levels to successfully apply any type of eyelash extensions. Pick your favourite tip, try a new one, or try them all!
We promise you won't be disappointed.
Vegan & cruelty free, always.
Free shipping in North America for all orders over $200.
Not happy with your order? Please contact us immediately an let us know and we will do our absolute best to help.